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What would be possible for you if you rediscovered your ideal self and lead with renewed vitality, clear aspirations and a fulfilled heart?


Reconnect with your purpose-driven, most authentic self

"The techniques are easy to implement and do not require a lot of time."

- Mariví González, Health Coach

Do you sometimes wake up with a sense of dread about your day, not knowing how to relieve that feeling of emotional overwhelm that comes from being disconnected to who you are deep down?

what would your mornings feel like if you WOULD NO LONGER 

Now imagine a new scenario...

Struggle with the energy to get motivated

Feel like you're not achieving what you know you could

Have a sense of being disconnected to your passions and what you do best

Wish you had a completely different life

Think that this is it, life's cards have been dealt and this is the hand you have to play

You wake up, and even if you get some morning jitters, you can easily shift to a more renewing state, experiencing a heart-centered serenity that helps you get going with ease and confidence.

​Throughout your day, you navigate the natural ups and downs with grace, clear-headedness, and wiser decision-making.

Your sense of purpose and your vision for the future are contagious and you are able to lead with confidence in every life area.

You experience satisfaction for creating a fulfilling life, with renewing emotions shaping spirals of positivity that feel energizing.

Perhaps this sounds a bit as to where you are today...

You're natural-born leader and have been successful in your life.

You're feeling like the joy has slipped away gradually and now you struggle to get your energy to where you know it can be when you're at your very best.

You feel like you have less energy to get important stuff done, and the people you care about at home and at work take notice.

You're wondering where life is going for you, and if change is even possible.

And you feel that achieving on your own has been harder that you thought

You know you want to experience a sense of calm and ease as you go about your day.

You want to show up at work and at home as your very best version, with the confidence that you're on a path that is aligned to who you are at heart.  

You know you can achieve the clarity of the steps that will move you in the direction of your dreams. 

You are ready to regroup and live a life of meaning...

deep down you know life has so much more to offer...

Welcome to...

A life of heart-centered serenity, purpose, clarity and connectedness to yourself and others is possible

The Heart-Centered Leadership Coaching Program 

for Inner Mastery

The Heart-Centered Leadership Coaching Program

The Heart-Centered Leadership Coaching Program is how I help leaders feel experience more energy, life-giving confidence and clarity to bring their very best selves to work and life. 

Through this program, you will navigate the Science of the Heart to build your inner ease capacity through the use of technology to monitor and learn to shift your emotional states for a more elevated sense of wellbeing. 

You will also reflect and have thoughtful and appreciative conversations through the five discoveries needed for transformational change, based on the neuroscience of coaching and scientifically-proven methods. 

You can expect one-on-one sessions with Ana Karina Smith Cain through which you'll experience a warm, safe place to explore your personal discoveries towards sustained transformation. 

You can expect to learn scientifically proven tools and techniques to reach into your heart intelligence to learn to shift towards more renewing emotions in your everyday life. 

You can expect to navigate personal reflections that will take you one conversations at a time to take actions with more clarity, purpose and confidence towards your greater goals. 

You can expect to practice the use of technology  you can use anytime, anywhere to help you shift into more effective emotional states throughout your day. 

You can expect a kind and compassionate heart to help guide you through your personal change process. 

What can I expect of the Heart-Centered
Leadership Coaching Program?

Science of the Heart and Science of the Mind provide insight into how we can access our best possible self. Ana Karina Smith Cain has studied directly with the most renowned researchers themselves. 

Ana Karina Smith Cain will gently walk with you in mastering your emotional states to create the life you long for so deeply. 

In this program you can experience many benefits, including: 

The Heart-Centered Coaching for Inner Mastery is how I help executives and leaders live a life with purpose, inner ease, heart-guided confidence and direction.

We will navigate the mysteries of the Science of the Heart with tools to be your best self, and we will reflect and build life coherence through the five discoveries of transformational change, based on the most rigorous neuroscience of personal transformation. 

Greater ease in navigating stressful situations
Increased confidence in your path forward
Improved relationships with those who mean the most to you
More vitality and hopefulness about the future
Clarity on how you're living a life with purpose and meaning
Internal coherence to make better decisions, large or small
Internal source of heart-centered calm to show up as your best authentic self with your teams at work and loved ones at home
In leading teams, increased ability to bring people together towards shared visions

The best version of yourself is within your reach

LEARn to understand how to leverage technology to understand how to transform your emotional states towards more renewing experience that provide greater clarity, more access to your inner wisdom and feeling more serene through life's ups and downs

Your heart beats in different patterns depending on your emotional states. This causes a cascade of effects in your body, mind, decisions, and actions.

This revolutionary method gives you the tools, space, and confidence you need to calmly power through any day, no matter what life may throw at you. 

And it works even if you've been unable to implement stress management type methods in the past because the techniques and principles are entirely different and not focused on dissecting emotional blockages and instead transcending them altogether by tapping into a higher form of energy.

That's why it succeeds when other techniques fail. The PowerfulCalm Method™ takes an entirely new approach to help with stress management and emotional balance.

Speak with me about creating your personal breakthrough using The HEART-CENTERED Method™ now.

Schedule a Power Call

So, Who Am I? And What Do I Know About Inner Transformations?

I'm an expert facilitator and mentor for forward-thinking individuals, groups, communities and organizations who want to go beyond their current results.

My company, Legacy Transformations, helps leaders like you facilitate rapid inner transformations, so they can achieve career goals with ease and operate with a sense of inner calm in all areas of their life.

Using the techniques I have developed and use inside my Heart-Centered Method™, I have been able to free myself from the blockages of past experiences and lifelong habits to build a life I had once thought was impossible—a life where my personal and professional dreams are being fulfilled. For example, I was able to repair my previously destroyed relationship and marriage of 14 years and get back together with my husband. And organizationally, I spearheaded the cultural transformation at one of the worlds most reliable and profitable airlines, which then went on to have a significant increase in profitability, reliability, customer satisfaction, and employee satisfaction.

Working with some of the most exciting and inspirational individuals, I specialize in inner mastery techniques based on the heart-brain connection science that allows my clients to create lasting change and achieve extraordinary results.

My clients are the believers. The movers and the shakers. The ones who will change the world.

I am so excited to launch The Heart-Centered Method™ for inner mastery.

If you've achieved success, but you want more for your life and know you are destined for greatness, The Heart-Centered Method™ will be the impetus you need for extraordinary outcomes.

When individual leaders want to create personal breakthroughs and get better results, I am the one they call.

I'm Ana Karina

But most importantly, I work with aspiring individuals who want to go beyond their current situations and impact the world.

"Thank you for helping us create the unimaginable! The results were so amazing; It was a great experience for all of us, and we want to say thank you."

- Dorita Dayan, President of the Youth Leadership Bnai Brith Foundation

"Thank you very much for taking all the hours of your time to provide us with this space, which, as we could see in the results, was highly beneficial and appreciated by our members. It was something exceptional, which helped them not only perform an exercise of self-knowledge for their organizations but also on a personal level."

- Lili Urriola, Panama Chamber of NGOs CAPADESO

- Brittany Devries, Filmmaker and Activist

"Wow! There is more to Ana's method than just calming your mind; it's about literally connecting with your heart in a way I didn't know was possible! It's allowed me to continually move forward and to create space during the day to connect with myself and find a place of peace. "

"Ana Karina's facilitation has been fundamental to take the Penn Club of Panama's leadership to new heights. She keeps us engaged, connected, and motivated while helping us craft a clear and actionable roadmap to advance our group's objectives. I'm thankful to have Ana Karina involved with us, and I'm looking forward to continued work with her in the upcoming months."

- Julio Germán Arias, Penn Alumni Club of Panama

"Ana's method is very powerful. I worked with her for six weeks, and I practiced the techniques daily. The results were impressive. Everything in your life begins to change!"

- Anna Stephanie Muñoz, Transformational Coach - Guatemala

Here's what just some of my clients have to say about working with me.

Will The Heart-Centered Method™ Work For You?

This is the framework that has helped thousands to experience physiological changes, more ease, calm and wellbeing in just weeks after starting the transformation program.

So I know this method will work for you.

This method is NOT for everyone. Here's who The Heart-Centered Method™ is for:

You are ready to lay down your old beliefs and step confidently into a new way of living.

You have an inner knowing that you are meant for great things and are destined to create a bigger impact in the world.

If that sounds like you, then The Heart-Centered Method™ is exactly what you need.

Book a call to ask any questions you have about the program. 

Schedule a Power Call


You are unshakable in your desire to achieve your goals and dreams.

You are already successful but want to create a personal breakthrough and go above and beyond your current results.

You are ready to change your reality.

Embracing The Science of The Heart-Brain Connection Is Just The Beginning

Are you ready to redefine your life?

To start living the best version of yourself?

To achieve your goals with more ease and resilience?

You could keep pushing, hustling, and forcing things to get what you want.

Or you could achieve inner mastery using the scientific intelligence of the heart and powerfully step into your best life, all while maintaining more ease and calmness than you can imagine.

Ready to connect with the power that lies dormant within you?

Schedule a Power Call